Welcome / Willkommen / Bienvenidos

Welcome to Escuela para Chile!

Chile has suffered tremendously from the earthquake of February 27th in the south of the country.
The Chilean government is mainly focusing on fixing streets and public buildings, to get things going and to provide
every region with a minimum of supplies. Unfortunately, smaller villages are not the focus of this aid. With this project,
we want to make a small contribution to the recovery of such areas. We are adopting a mid-term strategy,
investing all of the money you are contributing into a project related to education.

Below, you can view several pictures which illustrate the gravity of the situation in the villages of Pelluhe and Curanipe.
They were taken by my aunt last weekend.

Please be aware that the full amount of money you donate to our project is guaranteed to reach the respective schools.
We will pay for all the administrative and transaction costs.

If you have any questions drop us an email to escuelaenchile@gmail.com

Big Event for Escuela para Chile

In einem knappen Monat ist es soweit. Unsere Benefitzveranstaltung findet statt, wie Ihr auf dem Flyer sehen könnt.
Auf Anfragen hin poste ich euch auch die Kontonummer, damit alle die Spenden wollen, die nötigen Informationen haben. Wie immer könnt Ihr mir gerne eine Email schreiben bei Fragen und Anmerkungen.
IBAN: CH82 0023 5235 8495 01M2 R
Chile 2010
Marcela Frauenberg
UBS Bern
Für grössere Ansicht draufklicken

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